Ja Tecson is a photographer born and raised in Los Angeles. Having lived in a city ripe with culture, rich in art and filled with all slices of life, he developed a fascination with, and admiration for, the true essences of the people who surround him. This distinct perspective has enabled him to be a medium for companies from various industries – Nike to Staple Pigeon, Heineken to Lululemon, Hypebeast to Stussy.

Ja believes in the power of a single frame, challenging himself to evoke the movement from each moment. He’s a constant student, evolving as an artist the best way he knows how – by taking strides outside his comfort zone. Find comfort in the discomfort. This way makes everyday an adventure and creates new avenues of thought; new ways to speak your own, unique voice. Being able to do that can be a key to creative bliss for any artist.
